Dr. Julia Boll
Photo: Ulrike Sommer
Interim professor for British Studies (substitute of Prof. Rupp, until Sept. 2022)
Key aspects of activity
- Medieval, Early Modern, Modern and Contemporary Drama (Britain, Ireland, North America)
- Ancient and Contemporary Theatre (Europe)
- Performance Studies
- War Studies
- Ethics in Literature and Theatre
- Literature and Science
- The Contemporary Verse Novel
- Early English Culture and Nostalgic Nationalism
Academic Career
Julia Boll has been Associate Professor (Vertretungsprofessorin) for English Studies until September 2022. She studied English and German literature and political science at the University of Bremen and John Moore's University Liverpool and holds a doctorate in English literature and in drama from the University of Edinburgh. She taught literature and theatre at the University of Edinburgh for five years, was director of the Scottish Universities’ International Summer School and worked for the Edinburgh Review. In 2013, she joined the University of Konstanz as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow to research the representation of the bare life on stage, a project for which, as PI, she secured funding ("Eigene Stelle") from the German Research Foundation (DFG). She is a co-convener of the International Federation for Theatre Research's political performances working group, a founding member and co-convenor of the Humanities Pedagogy Workshop Series (Univ. of Konstanz, Univ. College Dublin, Manchester Metropolitan Univ.), and has been on the Board of the German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE) for four years. Her work is located in the area of ethics, politics, literature and theatre. Her monograph "The New War Plays" was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2013.
(1) Boll, Julia. The New War Plays. From Kane to Harris. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
(7) Boll, Julia. "Desiring Walls. Fantasies of Containment and Reimagined British Pasts." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (Special Issue: British Borders, eds. Joachim Frenk and Lena Steveker, forthcoming 2022).
(6) Boll, Julia. "The Sum of Our Parts: the Voices of the Human Genre Project." European Journal of English Studies (Special Issue: Poetry, Science, Technology, eds. Irmtraud Huber and Wolfgang Funk) 22.3 (2018), 317-330. DOI 10.1080/13825577.2018.1513702.
(5) Boll, Julia. "Is Knowledge Performative? Science/Stage: an Experiment in Performance Lectures." Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (Special Issue: Doing Science, eds. Nina Engelhardt and Julia Hoydis) 42.3 (2017), 282-295. DOI 10.1080/03080188.2017.1345069.
(4) Boll, Julia. "The Sacred Guest and the Ungrievable Sacrifice: communitas at the Theatre." Journal of Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (Special Issue: Theatre & Mobility, eds. Kerstin Schmidt, Nathalie Aghoro and Nicole Schneider) 5.1 (2017), 126-139. DOI 10.1515/jcde-2017-0010.
(3) Boll, Julia. "Between Homeland and Exile: Witnessing the homo sacer at the Heart of Hotel Medea." Journal of Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English 2.1 (2014), 26-37. DOI 10.1515/jcde-2014-0003.
(2) Boll, Julia. "Last Girl Standing: on Zinnie Harris's War Plays." International Journal of Scottish Theatre and Screen 6.1 (2013), 37-53. (ISSN 2046-5602 )
(1) Boll, Julia. "The Sacred Dragon in the Woods: on Jez Butterworth’s Jerusalem." FORUM: University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture and the Arts (Special Issue: Sacred & Sacrilegious, eds. Barbara Vrachnas and James Leveque) 14 (2012), no pag. link.
(2) Boll, Julia. "L'homo sacer et le théâtre: entre Richard II de Shakespeare et Le Dernier Caravansérail du Théâtre du Soleil." In: Grief. Revue sur les mondes du droit. 5 (2018), 105-119.
(1) Boll, Julia. "'That Slight Edge of Displacement': On Contemporary Theatre in Scotland." Edinburgh Review 133 (2011), 88-97.
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
(4) Boll, Julia. "Entanglements: Transaction and Intra-Action with the Devil in How to Hold Your Breath." Speaking of Affect(s) in 21st-Century British Theatre. Mireia Aragay, Cristina Delgado García and Martin Middeke (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan. Forthcoming Feb. 2021 (accepted/in press).
(3) Boll, Julia. "Making the Audience Cry: Witnessing Violence and the Ethics of Compelled Empathy." World Political Theatre and Performance: Theories, Histories, Practices. Mireia Aragay, Paola Botham, Avraham Oz, Lloyd Peters and José Ramón Prado (eds.), Brill, 2020: 83-97. DOI 10.1163/9789004430990_008.
(2) Boll, Julia. "Caryl Churchill's Contemporary War Drama." The Edinburgh Companion to Twentieth-Century English and American (US) War Literature. Adam Piette and Mark Rawlinson (eds.), Edinburgh UP, 2012, 479-489.
(1) Boll, Julia. "Harry Potter's Archetypal Journey." Heroism in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter. Katrin Berndt and Lena Steveker (eds.), Ashgate, 2010, 85-104.
Book Chapters
(4) Boll, Julia. "Nostalgia and the Return to the Present." Forgetting. Giovanni Galizia and David Shulman (eds.), Magnes Press, 2015, 93-95.
(3) Boll, Julia. "The Unlisted Character: Representing War on Stage." The New Order of War. Bob Brecher (ed.), Rodopi, 2010, 167-180.
(2) Boll, Julia. "'The Spoils of War': The Adaptability of Euripides' Women of Troy for the Representation of War and Conflict on the Contemporary Stage." Adaptations – Performing across Media and Genre. Eckart Voigts-Virchow and Monika Maria Pietrzak-Franger (eds.), Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2009, 223-236.
(1) Boll, Julia. "Introduction." War: Interdisciplinary Investigations. The Continuing Challenges to Communities. Julia Boll (ed.), Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2008, 1-3.
Edited Volumes
(3) Boll, Julia and Bolaki, Stella (eds.). Northern Light: New Writing 2010-11. Edinburgh: Scottish Universities' International Summer School, 2011.
(2) Boll, Julia (ed.). War: Interdisciplinary Investigations. The Continuing Challenges to Communities. Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2008.
(1) Boll, Julia, Makhali, Simon and Watson, Ian (eds.). newleaf. Fiction and Poetry. Vols. 16 –28. newleaf press, 2003-2012.
Book Reviews
(6) "Marissia Fragkou. Ecologies of Precarity in Twenty-First Century Theatre: Politics, Affect, Responsibility. Methuen, 2019." Review in Contemporary Theatre Review 30.4 (2020). DOI 10.1080/10486801.2020.1813442.
(5) "Marilena Zaroulia and Philip Hager (eds.) Performances of Capitalism, Crises and resistance. Inside/Outside Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015." Review in Journal of Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English 8.1 (2020), 177-180. DOI 10.1515/jcde-2020-0013.
(4) "Sara Soncini. Forms of Conflict. Contemporary Wars on the British Stages. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014." Review in Journal of Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English 7.1 (2019), 139-143. DOI 10.1515/jcde-2019-0010.
(3) "Kerstin Frank and Caroline Lusin (eds.). Finance, Terror, and Science on Stage. Current Public Concerns in 21st-Century British Drama. Narr Francke Attempto, 2017." Anglistik. International Journal of English Studies 29.2 (2018), 168-169.
(2) "Gad Guterman. Performance, Identity, and Immigration Law. A Theatre of Undocumentedness. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014." + "Emma Cox. Theatre & Migration. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014." Combined review in Journal of Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English 6.2 (2018), 407-413. DOI 10.1515/jcde-2018-0011.
(1) "Vicky Angelaki (ed.). Contemporary British Theatre: Breaking New Ground. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013." Review in Journal of Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English 3.2 (2015), 345-49. DOI 10.1515/jcde-2015-0029.